Warning...the spelling challenged won't find this funny....
Last weekend, Hunter was charged with writing an editorial to include in his 7th Grade Writing Portfolio. Taking after his Grandma F., he seems to be spelling challenged (as well as challenged by Constitutional Law..but we won't go into that!). While I could rant for hours about why he is spelling challenged, (ie: phonics vs. sight reading vs. every other "cool new technique that comes down the pike"), I promise you...I won't. But what I will do... is post the first paragraph of his editorial (note..I ain't going political on you..the opinions expressed herein are a 12 year olds.....and are not...blah blah blah....). For those of you who are spelling challenged....ask those of us who aren't why we are laughing...
So...out of the mouths of twelve year olds....I present....
So...out of the mouths of twelve year olds....I present....
Same-Sex Marriage
By Hunter Osenabugh
Is same-sex marriage wrong? In my opinion it is fine because in the constitution it is never says that same-sex marriage is wrong. I know that in the Bible it says that only one man and one woman shall be covenant,(Bible, Geniuses1:11). If you look at the constitution it says that Church and State shall not be put in law.