Of Music and Men....

Hunter received a Proficient (II) at the State Music Competition. I was pleased with his showing as he missed several practice days with his teacher/ accompianist due to being sick! In the truest "Joycie Faison" style, he picked his music 3 weeks ago (Minuet #3 - aka Lover's Concerto for those of you from the 60's/70's), practiced it a total of about 8 times and "wung it" (nice grammar lady!) in front of the Judges. The kid has talent..I give him that (and moxy too!)

Today he tried out for the Eighth Grade Symphony orchestra at his school. He was thrilled to find that he had made it! (There were many kiddos who were cut...so he was excited!).

Sorry that blog updates have been a little sparse this week, the kids were successful in transfering their YUCK to Mom...so have been feeling pretty puny. As such....after taking care of the family with dinner, etc., I have been trying to "take care of the Momma". (Sniffle Sniffle, cough cough).

As a calendar note for those who are interested....Lucas Faison Osenbaugh will be baptised on Easter Sunday (3/27/2005) at 1:15 p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Sylvania. No...I won't have him baptised "Lukey"....tee hee. This will be "slightly" subject to change if Vacation Days aren't approved for his Godfather Rick F....his Godmother, Shelley Kuussalo (AKA Auntie Belle) and her kids will be coming up to Toledo with us (Staying in the new hotel in Sylvania..how bout that!). Just wanted those of you who are planning on being around to schedule accordingly.

Well..I am off to take my Dayquil, wake up the Lukey and get the show on the road for the day. Hunter is home from school today and tomorrow (teacher in service, and parent-teacher beatings oops conferences). Two games this weekend at home for him...yea a Sunday off! Here's hoping that the Yuck will leave the Oz household soon!


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