Last Practice.....and More Antibiotics

Yea! Last practice for Hunter's hockey team passed this evening. They take off for Nashville on Friday morning.....and then we wave buh-bye. I know, I know..I have said this repeatedly....but I genuinely am glad that this season is ending! Perhaps now painting and household stuff will be the order of the day?! Keep your fingers crossed.

Master Lukey is yet again on antibiotics...this time a sulfa-drug. Ears? Well there was a little fluid in his ears when the doctor checked....but quite frankly...that wasn't the reason.

I had taken him for his 9 month check up (okay....he really is over 9.5 months..but....hey!). Part of their check up at that age is a urinalysis. It seems there was a high nitrite level, along with some blood and yuck. The doctor attempted to catherize him (much to my chagrin..and total heartbreak to hear him screaming) to pull a specimen directly from his bladder, but was unsuccessful as he had given too good of a specimen (it is really cool how they take urine from a baby..they have this little bag thingy that has a foam wrap on it.....Lukey obliged very quickly!) The doctor wasn't clear as to whether it was a bladder, ureter or kidney infection. (Perhaps this is the reason Lukey is waking in the night?!) She prescribed the sulfa drug, but has also requested a kidney ultrasound to ensure there is no kidney problem that is manifesting. Sigh....I knew Hunter was medically easy as a the point is being driven home with Lukey. I am sure my health insurance company LUVS me.......

Tis late, and I am hitting the hay (this will probably post with pacific time...add three hours and you will see that it is 11:00 and my new day starts in approximately 6.5 hours).

Will keep you posted on the final hockey tourney (I am staying home with Lukey) and how things work out with the ultrasound...



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