Ahhh Mondays that are really tuesdays...

Kept thinking yesterday was Monday, when in fact (yea!) as you all know it was Tuesday. I guess that is what I get for enjoying a long holiday weekend right?

Last evening, Older Oz, Dad Oz and Mom Oz took a "Broadway Break" and headed downtown to see Les Miserables on its national tour stop here in Louisville. Spark had been listening to the music for years...and was thrilled to finally get to see the play in person. Was a truly strong production...but it suffered from some opening night glitches such as Mikes not working correctly, and a sound engineer who probably got his toucas chewed royally for missing a few key sound cues... The Tenor playing Jean ValJean was outstanding..and had the audience enraptured with his clarity of voice... it was an awesome performance! Spark truly loved it...as did Mr. and Mrs. Oz! The only thing we didn't "love" was getting out of the theater at 11:00, still needing to drive home and get to bed. Sr. Oz and I are truly the walking wounded today, as I finally fell asleep around 1:30 (he fell asleep around 12:30!)...but we are the walking wounded that is humming songs from a fun evening!

Meanwhile, little master Lukey was hanging out at home with his new friend Miss Pushkala...who is a friend of mine from my Humana days. This little guy is definitely a people person, as he was quick to wave bye bye to Mom and Dad when Miss Push arrived ("Hey..get outta here..I got a new person to charm!")

So in my sleep deprived haze...happy Tuesday...er Wednesday....enjoy the day!


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