A cruel type of joke....

Yea...Lukey is on the mend! Each day of his baby z-pac brings more smiles..more giggles, and more infectious doins with him! But the irony is....

As busy as we have been in trying to get Spark ready for camp (add the last hockey practice of the summer, finding a place for a TB test, packing, laundry, etc)...the last thing we needed was for anyone else in the family to come down with something!

I get home from work last evening to find the Spark-O-Matic asleep on the couch? What? Sleep? Mr. Oz informs me that Spark is running a 101 temp....ARGGGHHHHH. We leave town on Friday!!! Upon waking...I assess the situation...he indicates that his nose is runny, and his throat hurts "a little"...other than the fever..these are the only symptoms...great...what the heck is that. Hence...most of the evening was spent on the couch (and with me in prayer that it is a random act of feverishness!)

So I head off to bed early, as Master Little Stinker had had me up in the middle of the night for two nights running (for approx 2 hours each time in the dead of night...or is it morning?!). I immediately fall asleep....and startle awake at 3:30. No...Fever Boy and/or Stinker didn't wake me up...I have no clue what did...but.....

Only one eye opens...the other is crusted shut. D#*n. A classic symptom of Pink Eye. Yea buddy....that is what we need. Fever Boy and a Mom with Pink Eye....

SOOOOOOOOOOO....today we will head off to our favorite Doctor..Dr. Tickles...to determine whether Fever Boy needs an antibiotic (based on his Fever...up to 102....tis Bacterial vs. Viral)...and whether or not mine is Allergic Conjunctivitis (please please please..not contagious and easily controlled), environmental (I did get some mascara in my eye yesterday...), Bacterial (I know this ain't the case) or Viral (Please please please don't be viral...too contagious....takes 4-6 days....and there is little that can be done)....

Yea buddy..we are havin fun now!


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