Weeee're the Doodlebops...

Help me help me....I have an earworm song...."we're the doodlebops..we're the doodlebops"....tis one of Little Oz's favorite shows to listen to while dancin' around the great room. Greeeaaaatttt........

Eye is healing (I think) fairly well...although 1 person at the office has come down with the dreaded Pink Eye..so we shall see if I can get mine back on the mend totally.

Haven't heard from Hunt (which is a great sign!)...will chat with him on his birthday on Friday. (13...when did I get a 13 year old?!)

All is well here...not too much else to report (unless you want Laundry, housework catch up news, etc.!)


Masked Mom said…
Heh, heh, heh--someone else has to watch/listen to the Doodlebops...I am so glad to have company (misery loves it you know). All my children are finally in the double-digit ages, so just when I thought it was safe to go back in the living room...the little boy we babysit (age 3) has just become fascinated with Doodlebops...It's still better than the Barney song, of which my then three-year-old could only sing, "You love me, you love me, you love me" for hours on end. But not much better. Good luck!

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