Perhaps things will be back to normal soon!

Another Labor Day weekend extravaganza at the Oz Family estate has drawn to a close. With it, hopefully, brings more time to hang with the kids, play in the pool, and enjoy the impending fall!

Friday dawned with the knowledge that two sisters, two brothers-in-law, one set of grandparents, one great grandparent and four nieces and nephews would be arriving and the house was not quite ready. There was still a mow to be thrown down on the backyard, as well as weedeatin', leaf blowing, etc. Whew...good thing I took 1/2 a vacation day huh!

All went well until I took a break on the patio for a moment and heard a weird "crackle crackle crackle". Hmm..what IS that...I glance at the sliding glass door and what do I see? Evidence that the weed eater had also eaten a patio door! (See pic below!!!) Arghhh..this is not a good start! And more "fun" was to follow (Spark falling down the stairs, getting a stone thrown at him by the lawnmower, me ripping wallpaper...this was not a day to be ME!!) But as is always the case, everything was accomplished and completed in time for the arrival of the family from Toledo and the weekend got its start late Friday night! (Including a hockey practice, and grocery shopping! Whew!)

Saturday dawned with all of us hangin out while Mr. Oz and his brother-in-law (who can't sit still when there is fun to be had in home maintenance!) hit the roof to determine the source of the leaking skylight. One trip to Home Despot and the problem was solved! Mastic and Fiberglass Tape, a v-style dam over the light, and a quick cleaning of the glass and it was all like new! Thankfully...I learned it isn't drywall up on the wall where the seeping was...tis plaster..and there is no true damage to it! Yea! Also got my gutters cleaned while he was up there, and a roof cap that had lifted in Katrina's winds re-positioned and nailed. My BIL is great huh! Yea! Then off to the flea market everyone went..while Momma Oz and King "I don't wanna be in my stroller" stayed home and cooked dinner (mmmmm-barbecue brisket...quite the tasty!!)
Evening dawned with the boyz in the pool, the girls in the hot tub...and all of us sitting around watching a movie. All in all.. a nice quiet day!

Sunday came with the knowledge that Kentucky Kingdom (an amusement park in our region) was in order. The whole family was ready to head on in at about 15 past Opening Time...and Mr. Oz, me and King "I too young for the Rolly Coasters" headed over to the flea Market after sending Prince "I'm Thirteen..I don't need an adult within 5 miles of me" off with his Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and Grandparents. (The Flea Market and the Park were on the same grounds!) While I missed spending time with the family on the rides, King "Sleeps in his stoller and gets comments from the older women", Daddy Oz and I enjoyed the stroll through the market picking up a personalized Veggie Tales CD for the King, an Air Compressor for the Sr. Oz, and a wire whisk for the Momma (what a thrill right? Except, I can't LIVE without wire whisks in the kitchen....tis one of my passions!). Came back to the house to fix a late dinner for the weary Amusement park folks...and had time for a quick dip with Grandma and King "Swimmy Swimmy" before settling in for the night. Another busy day.

Yesterday was to be a quiet day. All the folks were heading home, and we had plans just to sit back and relax. Except.....One set of the family was heading off to a local go-kart track so Prince "Thirteen...and you are NOT making me miss this" wandered out with them. That was okay, as the King, Mr. Oz and I needed to head back to the Flea Market to return the air compressor (blew a seal in a mfg. defect) and the Veggie Tale CD (skipped in the First Song "Broooocc....broocc...brocc...brocccollllliiiiii iii iii iiii......). Had no problems getting exchanges, and headed back home to find Prince "I am bored cuz everyone is gone" waiting for us. Off he went to a friends house, off Mr. Oz and King "Where are all my spoiling "subjects"?" went off to dream land. (Okay..I admit...Momma oz hit dreamland for about a 20 minute nap while putting his royal whiney-ness to sleep!!!). From there on out, it was a normal day before school, etc.

Sounds like a busy weekend? It was! But it was fun too...filled with tons of laughter...playing and in general...enjoying everyone's company! Now all we have to look forward to is hockey, hockey and more hockey. But that's okay...more blog time for me!


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