Still having massive computer problems..
Still coming to you from the Prince's computer, as mine is still on the blue screen of death every five minutes. I know I should do a complete reset...but just hate to lose all of the documents on the computer...and can't keep it up long enough to get the stuff off!
Hockey is on hold this weekend, no games YAHOO! Some of the kids are on fall break so we didn't have enough kiddos to field a team. I think this is our last weekend with no hockey until late February (holidays aside!).
Spent time yesterday picking up the house and catching up some laundry, while the Oz boys headed over to the rink to watch another team that the Prince has friends on (does that surprise you?) Then the Prince had a friend spend the was a busy Saturday.
Today I am off to find a dress for my dear wonderful Neph's wedding later this week, as well as an outfit for the King. Just the two of us going to "ginya"...should be a fun trip!!
Hopefully will hook up the card reader to the Prince's computer soon so that I can post some pics. Have taken some..just no way to upload!
Have a great Sunday!
Hockey is on hold this weekend, no games YAHOO! Some of the kids are on fall break so we didn't have enough kiddos to field a team. I think this is our last weekend with no hockey until late February (holidays aside!).
Spent time yesterday picking up the house and catching up some laundry, while the Oz boys headed over to the rink to watch another team that the Prince has friends on (does that surprise you?) Then the Prince had a friend spend the was a busy Saturday.
Today I am off to find a dress for my dear wonderful Neph's wedding later this week, as well as an outfit for the King. Just the two of us going to "ginya"...should be a fun trip!!
Hopefully will hook up the card reader to the Prince's computer soon so that I can post some pics. Have taken some..just no way to upload!
Have a great Sunday!