We're still standin...

Latest computer update...we are still standin with Firefox yea! No crashes since yesterday morning...again..I reiterate...perhaps it was MSIE causing the issue? Ah well.

Working on getting ready to head out of town with King "I goin to Gin-ya this week to see Yucky, Bob, and Brapa" (read in Toddler Speak Aunt Laurie, Bob, and Grandpa...). Don't ask about "yucky"...it is typically his way of saying a two syllable or more word like Laurie...of course we will have to work on that in the next two days. Am nervous about the logistics of travelling alone with a toddler, but am sure that it will all work out. Just wish there was a direct flight!

Talked to the groom-to-be (gtb) last night. The typically wedding stuff was getting him "down"...but quickly had him laughing with the Faison perspective on things. "I know you can't dance..no true Faison can...I know you don't like standing up in front of people...don't worry..we will rate you on your performance..Uncle Rick can be the Russian judge" and the like. Am looking forward to seeing him, my sis and the rest of the Family. The GTB amazes me with his maturity and ability to gracefully handle all that life has decided to throw in his path (which is wayyyyy too much for someone his age). It is a testament to both his inner strength and his mother's incredible and loving teaching. What a fine young man...one I am proud to call my neph!


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