OH....It doesn't show signs of stopping........

Big doings in the land of Oz. First off, the weathermen sneezed the word snow this morning, and that brought the city to a screeching halt. Public Schools let out at 12:30, the King's daycare closed at 2:30, which meant a forced afternoon off for me.

So what was/is the weather like? Looking out the window about 5 minutes ago, it was snowing big flakes, with little to no accumulation. There is a layer of slush on the driveways and roads, because most of the "snow" was really sleet, which is slushy (about 1/4"..just enough that you don't want to walk on, cuz it "could be slippy"). So much for the 1/2 foot of snow predicted.....the Prince is praying though that the temperature drops this evening so that school will be just a "memory" tomorrow rather than a reality.....tis likely...after all the administration really doesn't want to 'risk' looking like fools for sending half of the city's workforce home to meet the kiddos.....

That being said it is time to answer some of the burning questions in Tuesday's post....

In answer to question # 3......
Since I had the afternoon off unexpectedly, and since Mr. Oz arrives home at 3:30 every day, I snuck upstairs and got a nap...so.....yes...I finally have enough sleep!

In Answer to Question #1...well the pics speak for themselves.


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