How did I know?!

How did I know that my wonderful AW would be the one who could figure out the clues..and probably pretty easy as well. You are right AW! boat....

Spring Break this year...just for some "excitement" will be Momma Oz and the boyz (sans Daddy-O for most of the trip...except for the part from our town to the end!) following the Ohio River, from its beginning to its very end.....

Was trying to come up with something that could rival the Prince's friends "magical trips to Disney" or trips to Destin FL (the preferred destination of half of our town!)...or even to Meh-he-ko....yet not spend the kind O cash that would be required for THOSE types of trips. As we were heading home from Nashville last weekend, I got to thinking about kewl things to a car...for fun....

Thought Mammoth Cave (way cool), and visiting other various US president's homesteads. Then I got to of the things that I and my dad talked about several times is seeing the convergence of the Ohio and the Mississippi (it is said that Ol' Muddy makes the muddy Ohio look BLUE at the convergence...that I gotta see!). Neat-o idea Momma Oz.....I figured Cairo IL is about a 4-5 hour drive from thought..hey..that would be a neat day+ trip...and then was thinkin....I could add a couple of other things to it over the week (like Mammoth..and the like). Of course..time in the car alone is always dangerous for thinkin though....(Daddy Oz and the boyz were in our other car as Dad O followed Momma and the boyz down later in the Nashville trip). The more I chewed on Cairo..the more I got to thinking..then I about we start in PGH, at the Point area where the Allegheny and the Mon come together...throw a coin in the river (our State Coin of Course) and then set out on an off the beaten track journey over the Ohio River Scenic Byway. ( it IS 936 miles (after you hit Ohio)..but it follows the river..with lots of neat towns to see and lots of neat stuff to do....and major roadways nearby (if we get sick o'the off the beaten track).....and with 5-6 days to should be fun!

So...come early will be a Momma OZ and boyz ROADTRIP in a big way. Gotta tell you, the Prince is VERY excited....thinks it is way cool, and his friends are already getting jealous!

Great Guess AW! You were RIGHT! ( boat....way too expensive! We could do the Meh-he-co trip for less!)


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