And with a Hale and Hearty.....

With a hale and hearty "What Up" (I hate "what up")...the Cadet's email went live and he managed to dash off a quick few emails to his Mom and Dad! Yea! Real news from the North from the Cadet! is the official cadet update for all of you who asked (thanks for asking!)...

He has prounounced his Military School "Awesome", and likes his photography class the best (yeah.....he is his Mom and Dad's son.."my favorite class is my cake class"). In his first two soccer games he played about 60 minutes (wow....for a hockey kid who never played soccer other than kick and chase with his friends in the front yard..that ain't bad! He played 2 minutes in last nights game...which ended in a it means that the Coach was probably playing his "best" any playing time at all is great!). His grades are good (his words), and his conduct grade is good (he has even earned merits....ya know..the opposite of demerits). The food is better than camp, he is in Choir and is working as an Acolyte in the church (for those catholics amongst us..think Altar Boy). He is a PV2 rank (thanks to camp) and has passed his new cadet exam which should bring more priveleges (no Uncle Ty and Dad..not Priv....tee hee...for those others "not in the know"....Priv is some sort of punishment marches, push ups, etc.).

So, at first blush, his first two weeks at school seem to have really been successful ones for him! Way to go Cadet!


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