Blogger and picasa

Blogger and picasa don't seem to want to play haven't been able to upload pics of the King's adventures outdoors yesterday. The rain has stopped, and thankfully..the drainage has stopped too (the amount of rain we received made our little house on the hill and its property drain something fierce. The rain may have stopped Saturday night...but the run off was still running off yesterday mornin!)

So....there ARE more pics.....of the King "hidin" in the neighbor's tree (a great place to hide), playing "hey hey hockeytown", riding his bike, and heading off in his car to "camp" to see his brubby.....I am just not sure when you will get to see 'em!


Carol P. said…
I don'tuse picasa/hello any more, I just upload directly. That way I get one post with lots of pictures....

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