15 Minutes...

It only took me 15 minutes.

15 minutes to weigh in.
15 minutes to raise my voice and my hand.
15 minutes to honor the Dog our family has in the fight in Iraq (our beloved Lt. Colonel...who had his 15 minutes before shipping out to the Sand Box).
15 Minutes to honor my father, and forefathers as well as all of the families who have put a Dog in the many fights we have had over the years.
15 minutes to show the world that I am proud, and I am an American...

Who knew that 15 minutes could mean so very much. It rained. I voted, I care.

How did you spend 15 minutes today?


Carol P. said…
I didn't vote, that's for sure. Traffic's too nutty near the library and the county elections office on the last day that we can turn in ballots. Besides, voting earlier turns off the robocalls...

There are no polling places here anyway, no community exercise of franchise. The fine folk of Oregon are too enlightened for that. Pity, really.

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