Two days late...but heartfelt nonetheless...

Saturday passed without me realizing the date. Now, on the 13th, I realized I missed something BIG on Saturday. Nay, HUGE. I missed the day set aside to honor our men and women who have so valiantly served this great Nation.

I was talking to a friend at work last week, on election day. We were discussing the fact that many people only go to the polls when they believe that they have a personal stake in the election. They don't believe their vote matters (thanks to the Media). I very succinctly said

"You know, I take today's election very seriously, and take my voting right seriously as well. The US is currently at war, has a million + veterans Stateside from WWII on, and is is dotted with Cemetaries filled with white stones and flags signifying those men and women who gave their lives...and THE one thing that I can do to honor them is to get to the polls and make my voice heard."

I was given this right by our forefathers, and that right is defended daily by the men and women of our Armed Services, both home and abroad. How can I, but a single voice, say "I am too busy" or "It isn't important"? I can't. I won't. I didn't. I was on time for election day; late doesn't count.

I might have been...
Two days say "you are my American heros"; but am on time to feel it in my heart.
Two days say "you are the best and the brightest"; but am full of the knowledge that our forces are the best.
Two days say THANK YOU for your service, then, now and in the future; but thank you doesn't seem nearly's all I have.

Thankfully, the security of our country is in better hands than my "two days late" grasp. And what safe and mighty hands they are.


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