Chuggin along.....
Things are just a chugging along. The house is slowly but surely getting cleaned up, I now have TWO official Xmas decorations out (candles on a snowman plate and the Santa hanging on the door to the Garage). See...the miracle is underway! Now if I can only get through two office parties (mine on Friday and Mr. Oz's on Sunday), a Cookie Exchange this weekend, and hauling out all of the decorationns from the garage..along with settnig them up....the house just might be ready for the cadet to come home next week! (Cuz I know one cadet is hoping that the holidays have "arrived" by the time he gets home!)
I was just telling S that this weekend, in addition to putting up the tree and decorating the house and taking our Christmas photo and starting cookie baking and another hip hop performance for J, I also need to start, yes start, Christmas shopping. Oh, and figure out what the kids want and how that maps into what they're going to get.
The good news is that I don't have to attend any office Christmas parties -- the joy of being a telecommuter!
I'm still waiting for the magic to arrive...