Snow........glorious snow..............
Although it was twilight when one young King woke up from a late nap, he still managed to convince his big Cadet-like brubby that he "needed to go ou-side in da snow bubby". (Hence the pictures with "snow flares" as they flakes were flying by and the focus was trying to focus on it!). So off they went!
Amazingly enough..the Cadet was able to drag out a sled that had been languishing in the the King not only got his wish for being "ouside in da snow"...he got to take his very first sled his life.......
Of isn't fun without a brubby to give you a starting WE GO!
Of course...this was RIGHT up the Kings alley and he truly love riding down the hill (three times down ours, and two times down the neighbor's hill....resulting in 1 slide into the court...and 1 total dump over....which is great day of sliding in anyone's book)
Of course..the big Cadet/Brubby just had to get in on the action too!.....So down he went!
And of course...the little brubby had to help "push" the Cadet....because when someone helps have to help them!
Of course..then it got the boys headed inside.....having spent a short 10 minutes....yet making a lifetime of memories...