Stumbling around...

Stumbling around on the Cadet's school website, I came across a really nice picture of him...sitting quietly on the bench during a baseball game - keeping score for the team. Doing what every person on the IR should be doing....managing...intently watching the game...and healing.... You can feel the warmth of the sund, and it almost looks like Summer..doesn't it....

Then the next picture pops up.....and my bubble bursts.

Running? WITH A CAST ON? I swear...if this kid's leg isn't healed when the Doc takes the cast off on Monday....someone (meaning the Cadet) is gonna NOT BE A HAPPY CADET...and will find that he has a mother ready to rip his face off.....


Carol P. said…
Sorry, I laughed. But I can so totally see this happening...

Tell the Cadet that in the world of YouTube and the Internet, parents are going to find out, so he needs to toe the line. It may take more than a village these days, but the villagers also post pictures so it gets back to the parental units anyway....
JO said…
LOL. Yeah. Last night he asked me where I got the picture...and I told him " KNOW I know all, see all...hear all..." I think he really believes me now!

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