Silence, yet still He is heard!

(Apologies for those who have seen a lot of this info before...but you know doesn't change...He is good!)

It is pretty evident from the blog and conversations that we have thrown an awful lot at God over the past month and a half -and of course He has heard us and has responded in his way!

And of course, He is truly an awesome God…although that is not anything that you don't already know. In the last week much has happened – and while we provided the leg work, we are under no illusions that the actual occurrences are anything other than His hand at work in our lives!

1. Mr. Oz was offered and accepted a position Thursday at Howe to be a TAC officer for lower school. Although the pay is extremely low, it will allow for us to get back on our feet financially after a disastrous run. We will receive free housing, food for the family if we so choose, all utilities, etc. We also receive a massive tuition break for Hunter, which will allow him to return to Howe for the coming year. (He had no chance whatsoever without a “miracle”).

2. Mr. Oz received word from one of his co-workers Friday evening that layoffs are occurring where he works. This is in advance of him giving his notice. I was very concerned that my “budget” had planned for one more month of his working and him being allowed to quit – not them ending the position. Saturday, the head of the Summer Camp called and indicated they had more children coming for the second week, and that Mr. Oz was welcome to get his “feet wet” at Camp if he wanted to. Door Closing…God opening the next chapter? Hmm! I asked Mr. Oz for the opportunity to pray on it overnight, and to let me make it through Church this morning before we decided whether or not for him to give his notice before being laid off, and head up to Howe in advance of us. (His biggest concern was leaving me here with the kids, with the house on the market, and trying to figure everything out before we left town)

3. The scriptures in church Sunday morning were very interesting. In fact the whole service was – and I cried no less than four times during the service. First reading? 1 Kings 19: 16, 19 – 21, the story of Elijah anointing Elisha, and Elisha looking back (in wanting to say goodbye to his parents) rather than looking forward and going with Elijah as he was meant to do. When he realized that it was his calling, he dropped everything and walked away with Elijah. Reading number 2? Gallatians 5, 1, 13-18. You know, Paul reminding us to love our neighbor and reminding us to walk in the fruit of the Spirit. The Gospel Reading was from Luke (great man that Luke is oops was – tee hee). Twas Luke 9, 51-62. Folks wanting to follow Jesus, but also wanting to look over their shoulders at the past, rather than to the future (this section has an oft quoted passage “let the dead bury their dead”). Three great images from three different books about how to trust in His will, and to look forward with hope rather than back with regret. The Priest then gave an incredible homily about discernment and how to trust in Him with the big decisions in life. He likened it to Jesus swimming in the deep end of the pool, and we are standing in the shallow end. Jesus keeps calling to us to come out to where He is, and we can think of a hundred reasons not to. The water is choppy. I don’t know how to swim. It is just too deep. But the good news (and the first phase of discernment) is that we at least hear His voice. Of course he keeps calling out “Hey..out here…come see Me!”. And we of course yell back “Whaddya nuts? It is way too deep for me out there”. And we start a great tug of war with Him (the second phase of discernment) over us giving up what we know to be true..that He is in really deep water and we just can’t go out there or our life will be in danger. Then finally, we look out to Him and say “Heads up..I’m coming out”. And we swim gingerly out to His side, and even though the water is deep and choppy, we are swimming along side of our Lord and not having one ounce of problems (the third phase of discernment!). Interwoven in this discussion of swimming with Jesus, were comments about several situations one might be in, and how to use Discernment in these situations – you know “when you are contemplating a new job”, “when you are contemplating deepening your faith”, “when you are contemplating leaving everything you are comfortable with to move to a new location”. “Worry about these changes when you have so much left undone – finances, home sales, and the usual things that can overwhelm you in the face of BIG decisions” (Examples are from Father’s homily….um..hello Father…did you get a communiqué from our Lord for me last night?!) Yet not only were the readings and Homily very meaningful, but the gathering song (which had always been one of my favorites) even spoke how I have been of late and the need to look forward – (Jerusalem my Destiny) - "I will fix my eyes on the Hills, Jerusalem, my destiny, though I do not see the end for me, I cannot turn away.” All of the other songs too related to looking forward, and not backward. Okay, so after Communion, and after praying to Him and his Sacred Heart (as well as thanking the Holy Mother for continuing her wonderful influence in my life!), I came home, and said to to the family when I walked in the door “Okay, sometimes He whispers and His voice is hard to hear…other times..HE SCREAMS, YELLS, and throws everything He has in His holy arsenal”. Mr. Oz said “okay?! Do you have an idea of what we should do?”. I relayed the story of my Church experience … experience with the Holy Trinity at Church and the constant reminder that life is ahead of us, not behind. He said “Okay, I guess I go to Camp!”. He still was concerned about the house issue..what will we do..ya di ya. I told him – it isn’t ours to figure out – He is at work, and His will is in play – don’t think we can control this at all..we can’t.

4. So we race around the house getting it ready for our first Open House. We had a great showing last week to a family who was going to seek financing – but we hadn’t heard anything back from them. The phone rings (as I am standing in the bathroom, mop in hand). It is the realtor. They have a gent who wants to see the house, but needs to see it before open house because he has to work. Can they come at 1? (Open house is at 2). Race race race race faster. No problem! We finish at 12:30 and out the door we go to the Mall to walk around for 3 hours.

5. Phone rings at 1:35. The gent liked the house, put in a contract, wants to close as quick as we can “get it together” – he is set to go. We sign the contract tonight at 6. Pending His timeline (God’s not this dude who wants our house of course) and a successful inspection on Thursday, (pray for us, I have no clue what is lurking in the hearts and bowels of this place)…all is falling into place in his time.

Mr. Oz was blown away - but I knew that He was on point for what we needed...and we prayed a thank you for prayers heard together to Him immediately…what an Awesome God. But again…not telling you anything you didn’t know.

So pray for a successful inspection for us today, and a quick, easy, and fast close. Mr. Oz will be up north starting this weekend, and we will join him at the end of the month.


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