As promised previously...

Okey dokey. I intended to publish some of these on Wednesday after work..but as you can tell, time is on the march and I have had little time to "play" with blogger. Given that I am tearing the house apart right now to make room for all of the Christmas bounty that the kids seemed to walk away with (and trying to recover the house from the elder Oz Boyz being home for a week so far)...I will keep the wordiness to a minimum!

The Cadet feeding his newest cousin Baby T. Can you tell the Cadet has fed a baby before? Can you tell he understands the "bond with the baby thing during feeding" thing? Can you tell that Baby T is used to having this bonding time. Too cute.

The King playin with his Uncle Ick!

The Faison kids...just hanging out!

Opening presents with PaPa and Grandma M at Aunt Lisa's.

Opening presents with cousins and Aunts and Uncles at Gradma W's!

The King discovers that Santa thought he was VERY good.

Christmas Morning....the Wookie (King) gets a "Cockadoodle" which he had been asking for! YEA! (And a cadet hones in on the pic!)

I am wash dishes, put away Christmas presents, do laundry, clean bedrooms and bathrooms, and the like. Mass day...dontcha wish you were me???!!!


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