Old Guard Dinner
Congratulations Old Guard and Old Boy Captain Oz. Tis a well deserved Honor!
Post Old Guard Induction, the Superintendant also hands out a few awards in "fun" to staff, alumni, cadets and the like. These are hand selected by the Superintendant and are all in good fun.
Imagine our surprise when Princess Grace was called to the podium. Can you see what is in the Superintendant's hand as he is giving a quick dissertation behind the recipient of the "Cadet who Can't Stop Hurting Himself" award? Tis a bandage wrap! Hold on to it Princess..you'll most likely need it - soon!
All in all...a fun evening!
Congratulations to both the senior Oz and Princess Grace!
Of course it means he is OLD C! Oh wait..I am a year older than him. sigh.
And I too like the new look. I've been lazy about changing mine, in part because I would have to dink around with sitemeter and I just haven't had the time....