Hey Auntie MEH...This one doesn't count!
Hey Auntie Mellie, this one doesn't count since it isn't the princess! (Oh..and 8 I think, but I will have to check to be sure!).
Somebody fell off a little stool and torque'd his hand, bruising his Palm (on Palm Sunday as his big brother was quick to point out!). Yea no break...bummer...an ace wrap, along with RICE therapy for a couple of days. (Ya know, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)
How pathetic is it when the Admission lady says my name when she is inputting the Kings info? (Since he hasn't been there before!) How awful is it when the ER doc walks in, looks at me and then looks around for the Cadet - then smiling in mock relief when he sees the cadet sitting in the non-patient chair smiling? How sad is it that, after getting the King fixed up, the Doctor at the ER Urgent Care center
My life and my boys - they sure as heck better take care of me when I am old and grey!
Did I mention that I like having girls.
Your ER doc sounds hilarious! On last visit to the pediatrician (where we have to go before xrays per insurance) the dr. said, "Just listen to your mom - she's obviously done this before!" But I need the blessing of the xrays to prove it for legal reasons...