No Snow???

Whoo hoo...we made it through the weekend with very minimal snow (a light dusting tonight!). Of course, I was checking out Louisville and they got slammed! (For them, that is...12", with blowing a drifting - for me that has become "just another tuesday).

Oh..and a sneer to my big sis over a Casa DeDuckFeet for showing off her springy flowers...."sneer sneer".....I don't wanna hear it. You are "further north" than us on the ol latitudinal thingy.....why are WE getting the coldness??! I want daffodils, I want crocus...just let it be said....I want SPRING!


Carol P. said…
Hmmmmmm, it could have something to do with the ol' 45-50 degree global temperature regulator that's 60 miles west of here, I suppose. Even though for us, the north pole is closer than the equator....

And what do you have a few miles (north)west of you? A lovely snow-generator! Kinda makes rainy ol' western Oregon look pretty nice, eh?

Don't worry, you'll be warmer and muggier and drier than us come May or June....

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