He Just had to do it.

Yeah....that's my sixteen year old. He saw these at Tar-jay and just had.to.have.them. I remember being a goob when I was a teenager, and loving to be weird for being weird's sake....but...seriously....SERIOUSLY...........

(Okay, it is pretty funny!)
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Carol P. said…
Hey, fuzzy pajamas are great on cold nights! No worries about jolting yourself awake when you shift your feet into a cold spot in the sheets. Even 16YOs get cold feet sometimes!
Does he know you POSTED this on your BLOG? IF he does and he's still talking to you, he is seriously cool in his strong self esteem!

My kids would kill me.
JO said…
He indeed does know I posted it - and he thought it was funny!

In fact, one of the other folks on campus has a daughter who is a senior at a local school and he is planning on meeting her at the bus this afternoon to say "Hi" in his new PJ's. (I told him he should jump around like a spaz, just so she can tell her friends "that's H - and he has "special needs". He thought that was hi-LAR-ious - and I think is planning on doing that!)

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