Baby It's Cold outside...

Yeah - so it is -11 degrees right now. LOVELY! Folks, this ISN'T is actually -11. With a low overnight of -20 ish. This after collecting around 10" of snow between Tuesday and now and it is truly a northern January!

Tonight,the Cadet had a home wrestling meet. Won it with the hardest two points you will ever get in wrestling. He scored 2 points in the first 15 seconds, and then had to hold on, and on, and on through 5 minutes and 45 seconds, to win 2-0. Yup...he held on and made sure that his opponent didn't get a scoring opportunity. We were very excited!

The King is on the mend (finally) tonight. I think that there is enough of the "good bugglegum medicine" as he calls it in his system that it is starting to work! Whew. Ended up having to take today off work as well, so am thankful that he is on the mend finally!

The Cadet will be handling care duties tomorrow as he has the day off school, and the weather at "departure time" will be a dangerously cold -17 to -20. Not something that I really want the King to deal with - in addition to his current health issue. (Not really something that I want to deal with either, but that is neither here nor there!). Plus, his daycare has already announced a 2 hr delay for "dangerous weather conditions", so I am anticipating that they are going to just shut for the day.

Stay warm folks - I know my fam and friends in Toledo are dealing with the same cold snap too - definitely folks....STAY WARM!


Carol P. said…
Brrrrrrrr! I remember dealing with this level of cold one year with Girl Scouts. We went to Pokagon and it was too cold to go on the toboggan run. We ice skated on the lake, and then spent the rest of the time in our rooms. Our sister L was one or the chaperones, and our car wouldn't start. So we left her behind and squeezed into one less car for the drive home. Brrrrrrr!

Hope it warms up soon!

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