I'm Thinking Egg Drop Soup

Any clue what this picture is? C'mon you science aficianados....look carefully...you surely can figure it out.....

Would this help...here is the 2008/2009 HMS Physics class....

And when you put a physics class together, each with 500 toothpicks and elmers glue apiece - you have the High School Physics classic - The Egg Drop!

Here is the cadet's own entry - so come on you science and engineering geeks in the family -how do you think it fared in its flight from the top of the Grandstand.

Yeah - egg drop soup, replete with smashed toothpicks to pick the egg shells out of your teeth. But that is okay - he wasn't the only one. None of the cadets were successful, yet they learned a valuable lesson about velocity (Of the terminal variety - pun intended of course!), trajectory, mass in motion (the old speed vs. mass - small and fast or large and slower), and of course the best way to scramble and egg!
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Carol P. said…
Go Cadet!

Needs a little more give though so that the egg can decelerate better. And round is good in case there's rotation as it falls. But as an egg-scrambler, I think maybe it could be patented. Though honestly, I'd focus on the after effects too. I'm not sure I'd go for eggs scraped up off the ground, though that would increase their flavor and mineral content....

I first thought the picture was crocuses and daffodils with snow on top...

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