A Monumental "Tour"

With a gazillion (in Mrs. Oz math) pictures, it seems daunting to try to compose a post or ten to come up with for the ol' blog! Hence, I thought I would categorize them! Therefore, join the Merry Ozlanders as we take a quick Monumental Tour of Washington DC. (Note that these are NOT in order of the monuments locations throughout the city. If you actually walked this tour the way they are shown below, you would be talkin about a lot. of. walking.)

Let's Head - "Over There"

Above is an image of the WWII Memorial by Richard Latoff. (The Teenager with the camera never "thought" to take a full picture of the actual memorial. He just began zeroing in on images inside the monument itself. )

This monument is beautiful - and huge in scale compared to the other war monuments - of course - given the scale of this war - that is understandable! The Two open pillars you see represent the Pacific (closest pillar to the right) and the Atlantic (to the left). You approach it from the Washington Monument and the mall, and it's scale just blows you away.

Here is the branch of service that my father joined the war under.

Here is a really cool relief of the "Boys" getting ready to "Jump" - taken on the Atlantic side.

Here is the top of the Pacific Pavillon, where my father and my Uncle Don served.

Here is the King and Mrs. Oz checking out the marker to the Phillipines - and Corregidor right next door!

And finally, a look back at the WWII memorial taken by the Cadet from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial across the reflecting pool with the Washington Monument in the background. Nice Pic Cadet - very.nice.pic.


Nice PHotos - when are you coming bAAAAAACK??!

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