Sorry Grandma and Pop Faison

Over at ME's blog, she details our lovely and wonderful visit.  She also discusses a time when two young cousins managed to "ruin" a 50th Wedding Anniversary Picture by not recognizing when to stop making faces for a formal portrait.  Oh that we would have had the wisdom of "now", or that our siblings would have told us to "knock if off".  (After all, you all were so good at bossing us around every other time!).  As you can see though, little has changed with one youngter who made face pics back then.  She just can't stop making them even now!

And for that, I have to say, Sorry Grandma and Pop Faison.  If only digital photos were available then. 

(By the way, does anyone have a copy of the original photograph from Pop and Grandma's 50th, showing ME and Me in all of our glory?  I know that I would like a copy - as would Mellie..)


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