Of awards.....

Yet another awards season at HMS is in the books. The Cadet was the recipient of two awards this year - although I only managed to get one picture....sorry! (The other was way too blurry)

Here is the Cadet receiving the Dale Schinbeckler Organic/Bio Chemistry Award, recognizing one outstanding cadet with exceptional understanding of Organic or Biochemistry.

The cadet also received the Bishop Sheridan Award for Christian Service - presented for outstanding participation in church activities, continuing membership in spirit as well as practice and contributing the most to cadet worship.

He received the Bishop Sheridan award last year as well, so he was very surprised to have received it a second year in a row. Ironically, when his name was announced for this award (he was expecting the head acolyte to receive it), his first words were...."Oh God!". I can't make this stuff up people....seriously.

Way to go cadet, I am proud of both of your awards!
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Carol P. said…
Congrats, Cadet! Org/Biochem, eh? Awesome!

(verf word: respit. Either respit(e) meaning it's a good time for a break, or re-spit. You choose :) )

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