Run for Cover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is officially time (yet again) to run for cover as one Cadet has become Indiana's newest driver as of 9:53 this morning on his very first try. Yup. It is official. The Cadet is thrilled - okay, beyond thrilled, as you can tell from the following pics.

Here he is on his first official drive alone. Be safe Cadet, be very safe.


OH My Goodness. I feel your pain. The first time Sh took the car alone to the grocery store? I made her text me when she arrived. It gets easier, I will say that....
Carol P. said…
Two words:

Roadtrip Oregon!

(Easy for me to say, I've got a couple of years yet...)
JO said…
I guess I should have titled this Going Goin Gone. Since from the moment he wakes up until around 9 or so at night, he has been outta here.

I remember having go-itis when I got my license oh so many days least I didn't have a car of my own to be constantly gone.

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