Tiger Woods has no worries.....
One young King has discovered the joys of Miniature Golf recently. His Dad and his brother took him earlier this week to a local course (not Putt Putt officially, a local, man-made course) and the King simply couldn't stand how exciting this type of recreation can be. From very early this morning, he was in the face of anyone who would listen (Mom, Dad, Big Brother) about "Can we go play Golf?" Believe me, this kid (like all five year olds) can be pretty demanding. So after a nice Saturday Afternoon Nap on the part of Mom (yay me!), off we went to enjoy the nice weather by playing a little golf. As you can see, the King was extremely thrilled that we finally acquiesced! (Just Mom and Dad, the big bother was out tooling around in his car of course).
I have to say that Tiger Woods truly has no worries from this little guy. He simply enjoys putt(ering) away and the number of shots it takes to get to the hole is of no consequence. For him - it is simply enough to be out on the course.
I have to say that Tiger Woods truly has no worries from this little guy. He simply enjoys putt(ering) away and the number of shots it takes to get to the hole is of no consequence. For him - it is simply enough to be out on the course.