Entering the World of School while Leaving the World of School

As many of you know, this upcoming year is fraught with Ozlanders firsts! One son entering Kindergarten, while the other enters his final year of high school. The first one I can handle as a "been there/done that" situation - the second - not so much.

In wandering the web looking for college options (more specifically, how to pay for college options), I came across The Personal Finance Guide website. They have several postings on managing and paying for college costs that I found interesting. While most of the information is stuff that "I should know", it was a nice starting point for me to begin marshalling the "the college is coming faster than you want it to" troops. Yeah - I know - the Cadet's college fund should have been bigger than it is - but whaddya gonna do!

Thought I would share my findings.


DF said…
Depending on where the Cadet chooses to attend, there may be Tuition Management System payment plan available. TMS is on the web at afford.com, but will allow the establishment of a payment plan for college tuitions for participating institutions. We do it for both A and C at UNC.

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