The week that has been too too crazy!

What with all the doings and goings on around here, this week has been too too crazy, and I am thoroughly glad that it is Friday.

The leadership staff and Seniors arrived back last weekend on campus, and the new cadets reported on Wednesday. That meant that my care arrangements were a little crazy for the King - I had anticipated having the Cadet watch him in the early a.m., since Captain Oz would be on duty, but the new Senior Army Instructor indicated that the cadet's presence was requested at the daily, early morning PT session. Fabulous. That means me going into work around 2 hours late every morning this week. Darn that Lt. Colonel - Who does he think he is? (Okay, I say that tongue in cheek - as that Lt. Colonel happens to be the one my children call Uncle Ty, and he genuinely felt bad when he realized Wednesday that he had messed up MY routine - grin).

Add to the weird work schedule, Captain Oz being back on duty (and on course to put in around 122 hours this week), an evening Open House for the King, soccer practice for the king, and all of the usual sundry things that back to school brings, and this has been one off kilter week. I don't ever thrive in the vacuum of regularity and schedules - yet it would have been nice to have a little more of that vacuum running this week. (Or any vacuum running - you should see my carpets - they are horrible right now!!)
Again I state, I am thoroughly glad it is Friday! Here's to a much more routiney next week.


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