never seems to fail....

You know, it never seems to fail.  The moment I pass along something that I want for a special occasion (because I finally have something in answer to the question “what do you want for “our anniversary”..”your birthday”…”Christmas”), something goes wrong with a car, a child, the house….something.  

In this case, for probably the first time in our 21 year marriage, when my wonderful hubby asked the question, I gave him some suggestions.  Know what I am getting?  Our car (Taurus) is getting a new coil, plugs, and wires to the tune of around $500.  Happy 21st Anniversary (on Thursday) to us.    Hope the Taurus enjoys the present.



Beth said…
Yep, Murphy never seems to fail! Have you guys checked into Dave Ramsey at all? We started his program and doing a budget in March and things have gotten a lot better financially for us. He really shows you some tricks for "finding" money as well as saving money throughout the month. We actually have had more money at the end of the month rather than month at the end of the money :) Anyway, I would encourage you to check out his book "Total Money Makeover" from the library or some online articles...
JO said…
You are right, Murphy likes to live in the basement huh!

I am very familiar with Dave Ramsey, and used to listen to him daily in Louisville! (Unfortunately, he is difficult to pick up on the Radio up here)

Unfortunately, the Emergency Fund was "destroyed" over the summer when U.D. was off, and was just now being built back up.

Have I said yet that I HATE cars? Yeah. I hate em. BUT, as the Ramsey Man would tell ya - the $500 is a wayyyyy better investment in a paid for car than buying a new one - huh!

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