Kids are still phunny....

Heard from the King today during a shopping expedition.....

Walking through a Sporting Goods Store looking for wrestling shoes for the cadet
Mom, I need to work out.
Cuz I gotta work on the abs Mom.
You are five. You don't have abs.
(in a most exasperated voice) I know, that is why I have to work on the abs!

Walking through a department store, after hearing me proclaim too many items "cute" (I guess), and stopping at a silver jewelry display....
Look at these King. These are really pretty! I like some of these.
Lower lip quivers out, and a tearful King voice says...
These are beautiful..sniff...sniff...these are the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life. They are just (sniff sniff) so beautiful.
Looking down at him and seeing his impish grin
King, you are killing me
But Mooooom, they are just (sniff), so (sniff) beee-youuuuuuu-tiful. (quiet pause). Can we go NOW?! (grin)

I have come to one conclusion - I should had a daughter or two for these shopping days. It would be much less fun though, as I am not sure that a girl would be so - well - dramatic....

Oh...and I will smack his brother in the head when he returns home. Yeah - the King definitely learns his smart-butt ways from the Cadet.


Carol P. said…

Trade ya!
DF said…
OHHHHH yes, a daughter would be that dramatic, and then some.
Carol P. said…
I thought of you yesterday as I walked by the jewelry counter at JC Penney's on my way to get a couple pair of new jeans to replace the old ones that are acquiring holes in the knees (my criteria for *go* *shopping* *now*).

Yes, I thought of you as I glanced at the jewelry. Didn't stop, didn't ooh or ahhhhhh. Just walked through the department was reminded of this story. And then I thought, "JO would be thrilled to know she had a profound effect on me. I actually *thought* about jewelry for 3 seconds!"

Ooooooooooooh, shiny!

Then I moved on, tried on jeans and bought 'em. In and out in under 15 minutes, including 5 minutes at the checkout counter. The way shopping should be.

Like I said, "trade ya!" The king and I (hey! there's a musical in that!) would be long gone, out playing and having fun.
JO said…
Hey DF, a daughter would be dramatic about the jewelry, and yet...wouldn't be so freakin' sardonic about it!

Carol P - I tell ya - I would trade J, M and E for a week of you dealing with a senior and a kindergartener. Seriously.

Of course, the girls would come back with all kinds of new clothes, pretties, and the like..but I hope that the Cadet would come back with a good understanding of doing his damn homework! Grin. (Oh, and he can hip hop dance with the best of 'em as can the king, so you might wanna use em to keep the girls spots open in their dance troupe)
Carol P. said…
I showed this to J and she says that she's good with that trade....

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