The Chuck of Cheese

On Saturday, the five year old King made his very first (and looooooooooong) awaited venture into Chuck E Cheese for his cousin's 7th birthday party in Toledo.

Yes, we parents know that the place is evil. That it is a bastion of kids run amok, pizza that would taste better if they just made it out of the cardboard box, outrageous lights and music, creepy animals dancing and turning their heads, and a frustratingly long ticket redemption counter.

But Kids like the King? This is mecca. This is heaven. This is (sniff sniff) a place they would like to call home.

The King declared it a hit....and wants his sixth birthday party there. Fat chance King. FAT chance.
Note the look of bliss on his face....with proof-positive that Mom and Dad survived a trip to the ticket counter...crappy plastic mic and all!
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