Does That Make Me a Bad Mama??

This week has been a little crazy as far as school goes.  You had the King who had two snow days and 1 day of an 2 hour delay.  You had the Cadet with a 2 hour delay and a snow day.

Add to this mix, the King being very excited about today being his Balen-Tines Party at school, all jacked up knowing that he had his own set of Cars Valentines with Pencils.....

So does it make me a bad Mama when, this morning, I took the King to school at 8:05, like usual, and couldn't figure out why the car-rider door wasn't open?  Does it make me a bad Mama when, this morning, I ran him around front and sent him in the front door?  Does it make me a bad Mama when I had to run back home to get his gloves that we completely forgot on our way out the door?

And finally...

Does it make me a bad Mama when I realized (as I flew back into the parking lot at 8:12 to run his gloves in to the office) that today was Friday.  That the school starts half an hour later on Fridays?  Which means he wasn't supposed to be there until 8:40 a.m.?

Like I said, it has been a crazy week.


DF said…
Nope, The King was anxious to get to school!
Not a Bad Mama at all - just a busy mama! How many times have I forgotten that the kids get out early on Wednesdays? After 4 years of getting out early Wednesdays? Luckily they drive themselves home, but before, well, let's just say they waited around sometimes....
JO said…
Thanks guys!

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