No kitchen should be without...
There are many different items that I deem necessary in the Kitchen. Dishwasher. Oven. Fridge. My steam mop. Someone to use all of these things. Okay, I jest on "the someone"..but....
There is one cook book, outside of my treasured, limited edition "What's Cookin Mom" by Jean Faison, that no Kitchen should be without. Many of my sibs will remember this book being stowed in the linen closet and brought out on special occasions. You at 10:15 in the evening after one of us said "Hey Mom..I told them you would send in 10 dozen cookies for the bakesale tomorrow morning". Yes. Occasions like that.

There is one cook book, outside of my treasured, limited edition "What's Cookin Mom" by Jean Faison, that no Kitchen should be without. Many of my sibs will remember this book being stowed in the linen closet and brought out on special occasions. You at 10:15 in the evening after one of us said "Hey Mom..I told them you would send in 10 dozen cookies for the bakesale tomorrow morning". Yes. Occasions like that.

Yes is the Betty Crocker Cooky Book.
This is where Mom stumbled across the Chocolate Crinkles (p.23). This is also where she stumbled across many other delish cookies that were in her repertoire. (Corn Flake Macaroons, Peanut Butter Cookies, the list could go on and on).
Full of all kinds of Cookie wonderment (even if they think cookie is spelled Cooky - which is probably why Mom bought it back in 1963....bad speller that she was)...this book is dangerous. Okay, not like an extremist threatening anyone dangerous, more like hazardous to your health.
For example, today I had three bananas that were ready for a baking project. No project today..then trash tomorrow. So the King and I looked up Banana in the Cooky Book. Band came across Banana Jumbos. So we made them
The daggers that Captain Oz has been shooting me as he is coming in the door from the Barracks every five minutes to snag another cookie all seem to say
Damn you my baking wife, and Damn You Betty Crocker and your Cookies of Banana Doom. DAMN you (mflmflmfl - chew chew)
To my siblings and Father, these cookies are the texture of Mom/Grandma/Grandma MacCaulley's Orange Cookies. Faintly crispy edge, cake like center. In fact, the recipe is verrrrrry similar to the Orange Cookie recipe.
The taste of them? Well, lets just say they taste exactly like a light banana bread - that is portable - in cookie form. And who doesn't like Light Banana Bread - that is portable - in cookie form.
Damn you my baking wife, and Damn you Betty Crocker and your Banana Bread that is portable in Cookie Form. (mflmflmfl - chew chew)
I laugh when I hear the barracks door. And I am thankful that none of my kids hit me with "10 dozen cookies by tomorrow at 8" as I close the Cooky Book and place it back on the shelf. Knowing that it will return to my counter again shortly. Knowing in my heart.....NO Kitchen should be without it....
I'll have to try the banana jumbos. They'd probably be good with the addition of some (mini?) chocolate chips....