Freedom....FREEDOM....Freedom Hall

Today, the University of Louisville Cardinals took the floor for their last ever game in Freedom Hall.  Who could have known when the NCAA Schedules were set that their final "home game" in the arena that had been their home for decades would be against the #1 Ranked team in the nation - Syracuse.

But in an "old" building, the young-stars of Louisville closed out many memory-filled years of basketball in true exciting fashion - coming up with a 10 point victory fueled by emotion.  Off they go to their "new arena" downtown (provided it is completed in time!)...and off into the memories of many goes Freedom Hall.  (a place where the Cadet has played hockey, watched hockey, where we have seen WWE matchups, Concerts, monster trucks, Motocross, and all kinds of animal displays during fair time).

While the plan is (I believe) to still keep Freedom Hall operating...the lure of new and improved was simply too great for the University of Louisville.  Or perhaps, like most other NCAA teams, the lure of bigger and better (and more numerous) corporate boxes and sponsorships was too strong to stay....but as Bob Hope used to sing..."Thanks for the Memories" ....thanks for the memories.


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