NIGHT S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y. (totally stolen from the Bay City Rollers)

Back in the "day" (it was a Saturday of course), Saturday brought thoughts of "what to do...who to do it with" endless round of exciting possibilities of movies, pizza, sporting events, theater events, just hanging out with friends.  Truly, and endless round.

Fast forward 25 years...

Saturday night brings an endless round of possibilities of what to do as well.  Perhaps Lime Away the kitchen sink?  A few rounds of laundry?  Clean up and vacuum the living room?  Finish up all of the dishes that "they" let pile up?  ("They" are messy...never moi!).  Not so exciting, but still possibilities.  Oh how the  mighty have "fallen"....and oh how clean are my sinks, laundry, and dishes.

But at times, I still wish my Saturday nights were more filled with those exciting possibilities of yesterday - rather than the domestic possibilities of today.

I guess I am officially "old".


Carol P. said…
I hear ya! My Saturday nights are spent getting caught up on things, and then after the kids are settled, debugging or testing or something that's eating away at me. I can sleep in a little bit on Sunday morning, so being up late isn't quite such a big deal.

I am definitely officially old as well....
Perhaps my house and life would be more managable if I tried these things like you and Carol P. Alas I can't bring myself to do chores on a Saturday night! It's movies, or a fire, or lately Saturday Night soccer games with Daughter. But if you like doing dishes, "they" have left a ton in my sink, too...

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