Tis the season....

Soccer season that is. Come along as we join the boys in green...aka the King and his team, as they wander the fields of the SAJRD in their first game o' the season. Yeah..no score is kept...except in everyone's mind, and the green team lost 4-2. BUT...The King scored the first goal...and stopped about 3 (or 4) when he was in the net (allowing the 4th goal).

Let us join the game...already in progress......

A note to my big sis in charge of the Duckfeeters and my favorite girl next door...yeah, I got the ball in the pics. Neener Neener.

This year's team and goals focus on stopping the bunch ball. Sometimes it works....sometimes it doesn't. GO King...get on the ball!

Nice reversal W! Now TURN King! The ball is going to be heading the other way!

Just like his big bother back in highschool...somebody spent some time in the net. GOAL Kick my friends. Goal kick. Oh...and somebody has a pretty decent U8 half field punt outta the box. Could be his bro's influence. Or it could just be that he has a good half-field punt.

All in all, a good start to the Fall Soccer Season.
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