Web 3.0
A great request for explanation was asked as a comment to my last post by Flying Monkey #3. What is Web 2.0 – What is Web 3.0?
The tech world has placed these designations on the Internet as a way to define the stage at which the internet is currently “operating” or being used. Web 1.0 is often made out to be the point at which the Web became useable for the masses with information stretching far and wide, and pre-dot.com bubble. Web 2.0 is often used to describe the interactive state that the Web became via the advent of trust in online consumers and the move towards a more social environment. Web 3.0 is currently being most often defined as the transition between casual use and permanent use of the web for news, shopping, networking, and the tying of all tech platforms directly to the person (ie: Ipad, Phone, Tablet, Laptop, etc).
Clear as mud, correct? Here is a more simple explanation.
We call it the World Wide Web – and it has officially lived up to its name to this point.
Web 1.0 – The WORLD became aware that there is a new way of finding information. It isn’t/wasn’t always good information, but some of it was, and we began to play in this new digital playground. Digital Millionaires began to rise.
Web 2.0 – The awareness levels across the world as well as the depth of information became WIDE. Wide and FAST. Instantaneous really. You could locate information on pretty much anything you were looking for. From your TV. From your Desktop computer. From your Laptop. From your I-pod. From your I-pad. And you began to trust that information. Where is Santa right now? Go to Norad. A major news event anywhere in the world? You could see it on Twitter, or CNN, or Foxnews, or TMZ. An old friend from High School? Find them on Facebook. Live in the middle of nowhere, but want to partake in Black Friday sales? Log into bestbuy.com right before you put the Thanksgiving turkey in the oven. Going to a movie tonight? Buy the ticket online, and walk right through the packed lobby of the theatre and into the sold out show. Web 2.0 meant WIDE access to a WIDE amount of information on a WIDE variety of tech devices, WIDEly available to the Web 1.0 “World”. The rise of the Millionaires and now Billionaires marched on.
Web 3.0 – The WEB is no longer spun – it is automated – and it knows a lot about you. You are doing all of the things that you were doing in the previous “web” versions, they are simply now all interlinked, and you are now a strand of the giant information WEB. Where is Santa? Check Norad, and when you find out, auto post it to Facebook. Listen to “A/C D/C “Dirty Deeds” on Spotify, and before you even get to the second measure, your friends on FB know what you are listening to. Log into best buy.com, see reviews BY YOUR FRIENDS no less, automatically fed to you by the site-bots, on the very black friday sale item you were going to purchase. “Check into” the movie-theater via your phone as you walk in (via Facebook/FourSquare/Twitter), and automatically get a text message back from the theatre’s corporate office giving you $2 off a popcorn – RIGHT NOW. Shortly before the movie begins, log into your email on the same phone to find that Weight Watchers has sent you an email reminding you that Movie Popcorn is 6 points, and you are over your points for the day. Yes, the information highway has captured knowledge about every aspect of your life. Not only is it interacting WITH you, it is interacting FOR you. You, the person, no longer “own” you – the person. From an Intellectual Property standpoint, everything you have posted, sent, or said online is the Intellectual Property of a few industry giants. Who? See all of the sites I have previously listed. Google. Facebook. Spotify. FourSquare, Google+, CNN, Twitter. The list goes on. All of this information and interconnectivity lives in the "Cloud". (Cloud - a farm of Servers run by an organization to allow for instant access to information to the end users - while not storing that information directly ON the device of the user) Welcome to the WEB. Billionaires get money not by selling products, but by packaging your information and marketing data in an easy to use package and selling it (through the guise of social interaction) to companies. Interesting thing about this information - it changes everytime you log in - so they get to resell it over and over. The first one to be a Trillionaire wins "King Spider" of the web.
Like I said above, the World Wide Web has officially lived up to its name. Or, perhaps Andy Wachowski said it better – Welcome to The Matrix.
The tech world has placed these designations on the Internet as a way to define the stage at which the internet is currently “operating” or being used. Web 1.0 is often made out to be the point at which the Web became useable for the masses with information stretching far and wide, and pre-dot.com bubble. Web 2.0 is often used to describe the interactive state that the Web became via the advent of trust in online consumers and the move towards a more social environment. Web 3.0 is currently being most often defined as the transition between casual use and permanent use of the web for news, shopping, networking, and the tying of all tech platforms directly to the person (ie: Ipad, Phone, Tablet, Laptop, etc).
Clear as mud, correct? Here is a more simple explanation.
We call it the World Wide Web – and it has officially lived up to its name to this point.
Web 1.0 – The WORLD became aware that there is a new way of finding information. It isn’t/wasn’t always good information, but some of it was, and we began to play in this new digital playground. Digital Millionaires began to rise.
Web 2.0 – The awareness levels across the world as well as the depth of information became WIDE. Wide and FAST. Instantaneous really. You could locate information on pretty much anything you were looking for. From your TV. From your Desktop computer. From your Laptop. From your I-pod. From your I-pad. And you began to trust that information. Where is Santa right now? Go to Norad. A major news event anywhere in the world? You could see it on Twitter, or CNN, or Foxnews, or TMZ. An old friend from High School? Find them on Facebook. Live in the middle of nowhere, but want to partake in Black Friday sales? Log into bestbuy.com right before you put the Thanksgiving turkey in the oven. Going to a movie tonight? Buy the ticket online, and walk right through the packed lobby of the theatre and into the sold out show. Web 2.0 meant WIDE access to a WIDE amount of information on a WIDE variety of tech devices, WIDEly available to the Web 1.0 “World”. The rise of the Millionaires and now Billionaires marched on.
Web 3.0 – The WEB is no longer spun – it is automated – and it knows a lot about you. You are doing all of the things that you were doing in the previous “web” versions, they are simply now all interlinked, and you are now a strand of the giant information WEB. Where is Santa? Check Norad, and when you find out, auto post it to Facebook. Listen to “A/C D/C “Dirty Deeds” on Spotify, and before you even get to the second measure, your friends on FB know what you are listening to. Log into best buy.com, see reviews BY YOUR FRIENDS no less, automatically fed to you by the site-bots, on the very black friday sale item you were going to purchase. “Check into” the movie-theater via your phone as you walk in (via Facebook/FourSquare/Twitter), and automatically get a text message back from the theatre’s corporate office giving you $2 off a popcorn – RIGHT NOW. Shortly before the movie begins, log into your email on the same phone to find that Weight Watchers has sent you an email reminding you that Movie Popcorn is 6 points, and you are over your points for the day. Yes, the information highway has captured knowledge about every aspect of your life. Not only is it interacting WITH you, it is interacting FOR you. You, the person, no longer “own” you – the person. From an Intellectual Property standpoint, everything you have posted, sent, or said online is the Intellectual Property of a few industry giants. Who? See all of the sites I have previously listed. Google. Facebook. Spotify. FourSquare, Google+, CNN, Twitter. The list goes on. All of this information and interconnectivity lives in the "Cloud". (Cloud - a farm of Servers run by an organization to allow for instant access to information to the end users - while not storing that information directly ON the device of the user) Welcome to the WEB. Billionaires get money not by selling products, but by packaging your information and marketing data in an easy to use package and selling it (through the guise of social interaction) to companies. Interesting thing about this information - it changes everytime you log in - so they get to resell it over and over. The first one to be a Trillionaire wins "King Spider" of the web.
Like I said above, the World Wide Web has officially lived up to its name. Or, perhaps Andy Wachowski said it better – Welcome to The Matrix.