Perspective and Perseverance

A post last year by a young mother (and a beautiful niece of mine) made me laugh. She was musing that she must have a sign on her forehead that said "hands full", because people kept telling this mother of three children that she has her hands full.  I will say that she certainly does - two active and vibrant young boys who are under six and a two year old little princess, a home-based cake business, a household to take care of, the list goes on an on.  She is one of those women whom you look at and say "I don't know how she does it", and yet she does!  With grace no less.

I genuinely believe that each of our lives is a delicate balance between time conflicts and outside/family demands. The rhythm of life today can be overwhelming.  We each wear so many hats - mother, father, wife, daughter, student, business owner, career executive, maid, car repair man, homeopathic family practice health care provider, - that it is difficult to determine at any given moment in which persona we need to act to get the job at hand done!

That is where perspective, and perseverance truly come in.  The kids will only be little - once.  The house won't clean itself, but it will wait (as long as it doesn't have to wait too long).  Yes, we all have our hands full, and I don't think many of us would have it any other way.

(Note, this was sitting as as draft post from a year ago. It was as true then as it is now so I updated a few minor details...) 


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