Cold temps and Soccer allow a reset of sleep patterns.......
Last night, the local school districts made a call for the health and safety of the children and cancelled school for today. Temps were scheduled to be sub zero and windchills were to approach -25+.
Prior to the King's school calling off, Momma Oz was doing everything in her motherly power (threatening, cajoling, wheedling, and the like) to try to keep the King awake. He was drifting off - even in the middle of a game with Mom. See, every day this week, he has awakened at 4:00 each morning, and by the end of the afternoon he was cooked.
Telling him that some of the largest districts had cancelled (but not his) seemed to get a little energy out of him, but not much. He begged (at 7:15) for me to let him go to bed for the night. Recognizing this would continue the 4:00 a.m. pattern, I told him I had to keep him awake at least until 7:45. He was NOT happy with that.
So I made him come over next to me to look to see if his superintendent had made a call yet. Then I googled "You Tube, Great Soccer Goals". We started watching "50 Greatest Goals" and he perked up a little more. Then it was off to "Tim Howards 16 saves in one World Cup Game". He was even more a little awake. (And totally doing play by play on the saves....). Still he kept on me to let him go to bed ASAP.
I switched over to the Superintendent's twitter....where a cancellation had just been announced. BOOM. Snow (Cold) day dance commenced. I told him he was welcome to head off to bed. He looked at me like I was nutz, and off he went to his room for some XBox 360 with his buds; the were celebrating no school in great form with first person shooter games.
At 10:30, Mr. Oz and I called for a shut down of electronics. By 10:45, the King was out like a light. And surprise, 4:00 a.m. wakeup. He is still sleeping, but I am guessing that will change within the hour.
I think we may have just broken the pattern.