The Beauty of Winter

Yes, winter is cold. Yes, winter in the midwest can be miserable.  Yet, just like summer flowers, or spring rainbows, or even fall leaves, winter can toss out a few beautiful curveballs that can take your breath away.

Overnight, we had a weather phenomenon that those who live in colder climes are familiar with (although they may not be familiar with the name); we had freezing fog. No, not Frozen Fog – which can also sometimes be sleet…but freezing fog.  A phenomenon where the water is still liquid – even though the temperatures are below the freezing point (for example, it is 5 degrees right now here), and remain liquid until they come in contact with something.

Freezing fog can create havoc for drivers in the morning. Freezing fog can mess with electrical systems (because it gets into everywhere).  But freezing fog is also responsible for one of mother nature’s most beautiful creations – the Hoar Frost.


And Hoar Frost?  Can take your breath away with its beauty.  All branches are covered in tiny white crystals….and the world glitters.

Thanks Mother Nature for a great start to this morning.


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