Almost two years have the blink of an eye
Almost two years have passed since my last post. Been thinking about re-firing the blog back up....mostly because I realize now how much of our family history for so many years had been kept on the blog. Crazy, but true.
The King is now a junior in High School, a varsity soccer player, a varsity hockey player (new to the sport this year) and an ECNL Soccer Goalie. His journey has been an interesting one to be sure - but it has been fun to watch him learn and grow in athletics, while learning and growing in life. The next year and a half will fly by to be sure - and then it is off to college, or trade, or whatever else he chooses to do in life. Super Crazy to think I first started this blog when he was around 9 months old...and now he is soon to be seventeen!
The Prince and his wife are proud parents of 4 amazing kiddos. The four are absolute joys and we are so blessed to be their grandparents. From 8 years old to 1 year old - these four have the most amazing personalities, and infectious laughs.
The elephant in the room? Is the same for everyone. The Pandemic. I could write volumes on my thoughts, concerns, life over the past 300+ days of limited travel, movement, and lockdown, would serve no purpose. Instead, I will say that I have had family members come down with the virus. Thankfully they have all recovered to date. (The King had to quarantine early in the fall due to exposure to a friend.) Thankfully no lasting or long-hauler symptoms have popped up within the family. THAT is a true blessing and miracle.
I have been working from home since last March (2020), and my employer and the company I am contracted into have all determined that we will likely not return to the office until September of 2021. Like many, I have gained the quarant-twenty (cough cough), and have had great intentions of decluttering everywhere in the house that have not come to fruition....but I also recognize these are unsettling and unprecedented times so have been focusing more on enjoying the extra time with Mr. Oz, the King (who has spent much of the year in an online school environment), have watched a ton of new series on the tube, and pretty much have done jack-squat else.
That is life in the Merry Land of a nutshell! So let's power through, power on, and Laugh the Day Away from this point forward!