Quick Tip - Hotel Soap? Works just as good as Fels Naptha

Got a call tonight from Mr. Oz.  He ran the King's uniforms (goalie) through the wash at the hotel and found that the "clean" he expected...did not come to fruition.  His mama didn't raise a fool though - when he realized that there still appeared to be significant ground-in dirt (today's game was rainy/muddy)....he did not put the uniforms in the dryer.  (Thanks to his Mom, appreciate you!!)

He called me - and shared his frustration.  I told him - hey, you are in a hotel....grab a bar of the soap provided by housekeeping - and using hot water - rub the soap on the stains - then rub the fabric against itself before rinsing in hot water.  See...as we all know, hotel soap is harsh (even when they go for "luxury" brands). And for the worst ground in stains - a soap that is - for all intents and purposes - just as strong as my go-to Fels Naptha for laundry - should do just find. 

I told him to try it on one small stain - and if successful - continue on through all of the rest. (A shout out to his uniform manufacturer - this uniform dries quickly - so it will be fully dry by the morning, lol)

The verdict?  Stains gone. Hotel Soap trick successful.  Whoo Hoo!!

Oh...and here is one reason WHY the uniform was a little dirty.....(video credit to ECNLBoys@twitter.com)


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