A Plethora of Things......

Since it has been a couple of days...here are a few random musings....

  • Under the "I am having T-Shirts Made" category

    In trading emails with my hubby the other morning, and explaining that Snarky was NOT a made up word by me or any other Faison family member, I sent him an email stating "And to drive the point home, here is the definition from Websters....."

    In response...my husband sent me a email back that stated "A Faison doesn't merely drive a point home they take it on a cross country trip."

    When I read the email, I nearly choked on the PB sandwich that I was eating....never was there a truer statement....

    Hence...I am having t-shirts made....Faison family members may purchase for a discount of course...since this may become the motto on our family crest.

  • Under the "It's Been Far Too Long" Category

    Had a great visit with Greg R the other evening. Enjoyed the great food, and even greater conversation. It is nice to spend time with those family members that you never get to see, and reminisce. Am looking forward to seeing him when he heads back this way in a couple of weeks!

  • Under the "Where did He Learn That" Category

    Lukey has determined that, if there is something out of his reach, he can grab a longer item, and use it to pull the wanted item towards him. You will oft see him using his bottle as an extension pole to collect something that he believes he MUST have (but that has been thoughtfully put out of his reach...." Okay..future engineer....or just a toddler?! (See an item, want an item, figure out the most expedient way to get an item.....and it is MINE!)

  • Under the "He Ain't 20 Anymore" Category

    Dean went and had his annual eye exam last weekend. He knew that his reading prescription had changed slightly....he came home rather quiet though..and I asked what was wrong and if I could see his new glasses.....Softly he said "bifocals...I pick them up later this week". Hmmm.....bifocals......poetic justice for the man who always says "I am a year away from old..since Joyce is a year older than me". Hmmmm.....where are MY glasses? Uh.....no where that I can see.....cuz I can see! Perhaps I should have titled this "He ain't 20/20 Anymore".

  • Under the "Ya Gotta Be Kidding...I ain't Gonna Do it" Category

    You will note that I am posting this on Saturday night. After looking at the weather report for northern Indiana...we made the decision to bag the trip to Alumni weekend at Howe Military. There was no way I was going to deal with a baby, in 50 degree wet and rainy weather (yesterday and early today)....not gonna happen. Luckily...the Howe Boys understood!

Those are the random musings for the day....have a great weekend!


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