Was that Thunder...

Hmmm....was that rumbling over the house yesterday Thunder...why yes it was!

Although the weather has taken a turn for the Arctic worst...although we haven't registered any snow...but rain and cold were the standard for the day....

As such...we spent most of the day cocooning....in the nice warm house. BUT......

All of the sudden...the pictures were rattling on the walls...and my "artsy" sun (made by a local artist out of hammered weathered aluminum) was shaking and rumbling...and the air was awash with rotor sounds...we were under attack! 3 Apache helicopters were low flying over the Osenbaugh household. Insurgents perhaps? What the dickens was going on??!!

Shortly thereafter, by about 15 minutes...along came 2 Sikorskys...escorting 3 C130's flying in formation......HEY.....This is America Right? You betcha...the Thunder we were hearing (and feeling inside the house!) was THUNDER......

While we could hear some of the other planes from our house that were buzzing the downtown area...and we could definitely hear the concussion of the Fireworks set off last night...we chose to stay home and warm this year.....

Ah...the biggest festival kick off in the mid south......THUNDER!


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