Happy Mothers Day Yall!

Spent a fun and quiet Mother's Day today. Was gifted with two rose bushes, three flats of flowers, and a wonderful gazebo for the back yard. (Yes, I know it, I am loved).

Spent the better part of the afternoon planting a flat of snapdragons (Hunter's favorite...has to snap em and make a "Rahhhhh" sound as if they were growling), and a 1/2 flat of impatients. Also planted the two rose bushes in front, Hunter picking the "red and white varigated" one for him, and the pink one for Lukey. Still have a flat and a half of impatients to get into the ground...but the area which I want to plant them was just hit with "Weed Be Gone" yesterday (great timing huh!), so have to give it a week before I can get them in the ground.

Of course, before I could plant in any of the areas, I had to weed them...and weedy they were. I think I indicated previously that we have something like 20 independent gardens (not all massive or anything, but some are fairly large)...but I believe that the last time 10 or 15 of them were weeded or trimmed and cleaned was about 4-5 years ago. Just having moved in last year, I was totally unable to do it as I was either pregnant, working with a newborn, or to durn tired from working and working with a newborn!!! Plus, I wanted to give it a year to see what came up. Today was a lot of work..but the areas look a whole heckuva lot better....and hopefully the plantings that Hunter and I worked so very hard on will take!

That being said, Happy Mothers day to all.....I am pooped....and just about to hit the hay. Gnite all!


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